นักศึกษาชั้นปีที่3ทุกคนจะต้องผ่านการฝึกงานอย่างน้อย315ชั่วโมง เพื่อเป็นการรับประกันการผ่านการฝึกฝนตามกฎของ และto allow work in the airline industry or in an international business environment.
Students of grade 3, everyone must go through training at least 315 hours. In order to ensure, through training and the rules allow the airline industry to work in an international environment or in business.
Every third year students must pass at least 315 hours of internship. To guarantee through the practice of law and to allow work in the airline industry or in an international business environment.
Students at 3 everyone goes through training at least 315 hours. To guarantee through training according to the rules of, and to allow work in the airline industry or in an international business environment.