The ASEAN Economic Community AEC?Asian Nations Association. South-East (Association of South East Asian Nations: ASEAN) or the ASEAN community. It is the goal of ASEAN member countries. Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, 10 countries consists of Viet Nam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Cambodia and Singapore to increase the power and capabilities of the ASEAN's competitiveness in the international arena, including the ASEAN, are strong. Has resistance to cope with the new global problems. ASEAN community Compared with the affording of ASEAN member countries. Its official, when October 2546 with Joint Declaration, to be signed in the same community, in 1937 (the year of 2015) 2558, together with the community is divided into 3 sub community or 3 pillars: The social and political stability, ASEAN (ASEAN Political and Security Community – APSC) The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC Community-Asean Economics) The ASEAN social and cultural community (ASCC Asean Community – Socio-Cultural) The ASEAN economic community, or AEC, what is what, many people may also suspect. Today we will go with the word ASEAN Economic Community AEC friends. Is enough in brief?The ASEAN Economic Community (El, e, c) arose from the development of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN), the South because of the current ASEAN members, ASEAN countries are of the view that the number of the population of nearly 500 million people in 10 countries. Therefore, it is a large economy, the region should cooperate to make ASEAN is strong in areas more. This is why ASEAN becoming a condition is easy at last by the founder of the a. e. c. 2558 BC official move from formerly 2563 BC.However, future, forward Alessandro e c is likely to expand as the ASEAN + 3, Japan-South Korea and China, is added before the ASEAN + 6 by adding a China-South Korea Japan Australia New Zealand and India. The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC ASEAN Economic Community: a) ASEAN Economic Community, or AEC AEC is the goal of ASEAN member countries to increase the power to negotiate with trading partners and to increase global economic competition, including being exempt certain types of goods to member countries. Promote the regional stability is prosperity. People rather The ASEAN Summit, the ASEAN Summit at a time when the 8th November 4 1937 2545 at Phnom Penh. Cambodia has agreed to an ASEAN direction has the exact operations to clear targets, leading to such as the ASEAN economic community will be sharing the market and production base, and the movement of goods. Investment services, capital and skilled labour, free for the AEC has determined to succeed within the year 2558 (due to expire in 2015).The goal of the ASEAN economic community, or AEC, there are four. 1. market and production base (Single Market and Production Base). To move the item, and investment services. Skilled workers free funds. This section really is the agreed obligations and continue to exist. * The AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) started the year 2535 (1992). * AFAS (the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services) framework agreement on service trade, signed the year 2538 (1995). liberalisation negotiations are around a 5-round negotiations. * AIA (ASEAN Investment Area) the framework agreement is signed, the service trade and effective 2541 (1998). 2. create capabilities may be economic (High Competitive Economic Region). Policy issues, to help the group, such as competition policy. Tax policy, intellectual property rights, the development of infrastructure projects. Jointly operated by the exchange of information, training staffs together. 3. create equity in economic development (Equitable Economic Development). Support the development of SME competitiveness through an existing project. 4. integration into the world economy (Fully Integrated into Global Economy).
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