1. Reduce the fluctuation. The US $quality
original system that uses multiple suppliers (MSS) company to order production of parts from all suppliers. The number of 5
.The individual word order has been recognized were not, resulting in the production line of suppliers is a small lot Each stage takes only produce 4 hours only, and one difficulty.Includes editing problems in the manufacturing process. Although the observed quality problems, rather than planning, editing, and to improve the work. The production process is completed.When orders with suppliers only. Each type of parts size lot production bigger, make the process
.In each step, at least 20 hours, so there is enough time for... For the development of the process quality and glow.
.The technique of statistical quality control - Statistical Process Control (SPC) to make can identify the causes of the problem of waste properly. Problem solving quality is more efficient.From 2% less than 0.3%
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