Planting turmeric
is curcumin, a plant can be grown in all sectors of the country. Grow well on the uplands Not like standing water The issue of disease, insect infestation less Harvesting about 8-9 months, most farmers are planting a vegetable garden behind the house turmeric in a small volume of
turmeric plants in the ginger family. An annual crop years old The stem above the ground the trunk was caused by the compression of the leaf. Granted, underground stems called rhizomes consist primarily of underground rhizomes that we call the mother, which has an oval shape and branching off to the side, the two sides called stem stalks with yellow flesh has a specific smell. Leaves Growth from stalks arranged in a circle, overlapping leaves 12-15 cm long, 30-40 cm wide, lance-shaped flowers grow from rhizomes inserted between the cylinder contains many bracts. Viridescent Bract leaves at the end of a bouquet of 6-10 white or white to pinkish flowers pale yellow light. Born in axillary decorations except in axillary buds at the tip of the sphere with a three-lobed planting season turmeric cultivation of turmeric in India. Start planting during the rainy season in late April. To early May every year and will reap the canary in the winter or at the end of December to January. The head of turmeric, which dries the soil and tillage can Turmeric grows well in any soil type. But the soil should be well drained. Water flooding If the clay, compost or manure should put the rate of 1 / hectare to improve the quality of soil tillage, soil preparation should first season. After shoveling down to a smaller size. He plowed furrow planting distance between rows 75 cm spacing from 30 cm to prepare the rhizome of turmeric for planting, cultivating turmeric may use forest species have two types of head and rhizome if planted by the mother looks like. oval weighing approximately 15-50 g / head parent can yield about 3,300 kg / ha, the spacing of 75x30 cm smaller if the mother. Will be reduced in proportion to If the transplant with stem sizes of 15-30 g / pieces or segments 7-10 / piece would yield a live weight of about 2,800 kg / ha before planting to soak up drug mold and kill aphids. Outcast to prevent and eliminate aphids. Which may be attached to the rhizome and often spread more during 2-3 years of planting, if not attentive defense well before planting. Soak for about 30 minutes by careful use of chemicals by wearing rubber gloves that have been lacking. And should wear a mask Before planting turmeric should bottom hole with a 13-13-21 fertilizer at 50 kg / ha and the forest species in the plots. 5-10 cm thick soil cover after the germination of turmeric will take about 30-70 days after planting , fertilizing, weeding and turmeric. When grown about 5-10 cm in a hurry to get rid of weeds. Because curcumin after germination to growth is not to compete with weeds. And ammonium sulfate fertilizer application rate of 50 kg / ha when weeds 2nd soil should remove the base line with turmeric. After weeding 2-3 times is enough irrigation Although turmeric is a plant that withstands the environment even during the rainy season. May leave early while still small, is curcumin. Some symptoms may wither It should provide sufficient irrigation water for hydration. Alternatively, use the mulch to reduce evaporation of water. And when the rainy season is no need for water. But be careful of flooding in the conversion for a long time makes turmeric necrosis. Be prepared to provide drainage. And must be handled immediately drain the flooding , diseases and insect pests, diseases, curcumin from turmeric, head of rotten from flooding. Or providing too much water Or caused to grow repeat several times, causing the formation of disease. Diseases were found Rhizome and root rot disease caused by the bacterial wilt and leaf spot disease caused by a fungus. Then, when these diseases difficult to treat. It should protect before planting Prevention should be made by the current crop every year, harvest after planting turmeric in the early rainy season and enter the winter in late December. Onset aboveground stems wither until dry. The harvest will begin to reap the turmeric should use energy-saving vehicles such as tractors, plows mounted one. Workers walk on the head and turmeric. It helps to save on labor costs. The harvest is during the dry season in the clay to harden, making it difficult to harvest. May provide enough water, damp soil, leaving one week and then harvested turmeric. In the case of labor workers digging the canary in the soil, not too hard. Often mined an average of about 116 kg / day / person when harvested must be trimmed roots. Clean soil In case of fresh turmeric may sell part of the stem. The head should be kept planting in the next season. To prepare dried turmeric are used to make medicine, turmeric is subject to the full. And having regard to cleanliness is important. The required amount of active substance (curcumin) is less than 8.64 percent of the way. Bring to turmeric washed with clean water. Trim the roots out Then slice into thin slices and the sun in the solar oven. That can prevent dust When completely dry, then packed tightly closed fresh turmeric 5 kg to about 1 kg of dry turmeric addition to preparing for medicines already. Turmeric can also be prepared for use in color. Many foods and flavoring products. The turmeric rhizome points in boiling water for 30 minutes, a quantity of curcumin 5.48 percent and cut before drying. Turmeric is boiled in the boiling water, thus saving time in the drier, more than two times compared to the past, then dried in the sun and fresh turmeric, ground into a powder that must be taken to the next.
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