Currently, computer technology has come to play a role in our daily life, things everybody. Make people more comfortable though, and computer technology, they develop incontinence. Create another comfort increases, such as mobile phones that can do everything like a computer. Borderless communications occur with the Internet, but it has both advantages and disadvantages. If we are to benefit significantly, but if we use the wrong it has broken many subsequent as well. In the education system using computers in teaching is considered to play a role for a long time, but that is not common in rural areas and only some of them use some of the lesson the teacher and he is no technology makes it possible for the current study does not just teach openness in textbooks to students not interested in learning about teaching textbook because it wasn't a rousing but excited about modern teaching textbooks, it has advantages over the same. If we do use computer to teach seriously, it seems to come good and make a borderless learning teaching coupled with a class of students with computers. Because the computer was considered as the main factor in all types of work. If implemented to teach students would be fun. Waiting for time to attend is not boring, like teaching. Student learning outcomes could be better, but the most authentic and the intention itself is a success. Teachers intend to teach This lesson plan, students will not only teach the datha in any format. The result comes out it seems to be well. Use of computer technology in teaching and learning is something that is of interest and is likely to happen to great effect. Depending on the quality management system. The cooperation of all sectors and communities, teachers and students. If technology has a role in teaching and learning, really. Students should be learning more fun is it.
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