To be fair to be fair
how to use different types of a fair and the use of congested with security
a fair is a tool that uses the main torque used to tighten or loosen the head grip screws and screw the tube knots everywhere will have a shape and size, the length of different everywhere can be divided into 3 categories:
To be fair to his mouth type (Adjustable Wrenches) to be able to adjust to this type of mouth clung to shake small or large in accordance with the suitability of the work will be used as a slide and a fair shake or hold แป๊ป to shake his horse's neck, etc.
To be fair to the mouth of not (Nonadjustable Wrenches) to be fair to be fair, the mouth of a fixed size is not able to adjust to small or large mouth such as a fair die (Open-end Wrench) to shake a ring (or Ring Box Wrenches), and to be fair, (Combination Wrenches) etc.
A special kind of congested (Special Screw Wrenches) to be fair, this type of design is normally appropriate for the head screws or knots that have special characteristics as a specific type of access point 2 First, a fair or do not have such as a boxer in his coattails (Socket Wrench), and to be fair, (Set Screw Wrenches) etc.
The use of a hair style with the security can be made as follows:
select Use a fair size of the mouth and the length of the handle to the right to work and the Use should not be longer than normal, the handle of his mouth
to be fair is not damaged, worn out or crack widening
When you wear a fair into the head knots or screw head, and then the mouth of a busy must be fit and cover the full knots
The grip on his coattails for a right-handed, with his right hand held the end of the left hand to shake the body must be in good condition, stable and secure balance
The fair is not that it would be a gamble to tighten or release must be used to pull it toward the mouth and always ready for a shake out while tightening with
It should be a fair adjustment of the mouth is not before such as a Ring or a fair shake his mouth; and if a fair use is not a fair use, and then select the type of adjustment such as a busy slide instead
The use of the mouth to be fair to be fair, as a slide or a fair แป๊ป must be held to the mouth of the slide is attached to the user can always use
to be fair. The mouth. mouth-to shake the head, tighten the knots before then tighten exert
the mouth and the handle of a busy must be dry without oil or grease
tighten the knots or the screw in a narrow or deep, use a fair Bob because of his mouth to be fair to Bob long will be able to insert it into the hole, cramped.
When you head to shake must be in the same plane the head knots or screw head
should not be used to be kind of busy mouth. The head knots or the screws that will be used again, because the knots or the screws will be out of shape
The store should be a fair will be a place where only the store dry and free from grease or oil should be used if you will be good to hang up or put the box only to the panel.
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