Chiang Mai University has a number of students who are currently studying. Number 39,240 people (data as of June 15, 2011), a classified by level of education: Bachelor's degree master's degree PhD degree and level of certificate
.With a total number of faculties Faculty of 20 1 1 colleges and graduate school:
clock tower at the roundabout in front of the Faculty of engineering, Chiangmai University, Faculty of Humanities Faculty of education
fine arts faculty, Faculty of social sciences.Faculty of science, Faculty of engineering,
, Faculty of agricultural sciences, Faculty of medicine, Faculty of dentistry, Faculty of pharmacy technicians
-medical faculty of Nursing Faculty of agro-industry
Faculty of veterinary science, Faculty of business administration, Faculty of Economics
.Faculty of architecture faculty of mass communications
theology faculty of political science and Law Committee, State College of art
. Media and technology
, and graduate school
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