In my free time, I like to watch TV, watch movies, listen to music, play the computer. Etc. these make me happy and my school life in one semester there are tea ให้เรียน all 9 subject is Chinese, Thai Mathematics, English.Career education, physical education classes per day 7-8 periods. Each lesson 50 minutes and school about 16.00 I can learn it must learn as school set my routine starting from get up at about 6.00 eat breakfast. 7.15 and go to school, I start from the 8.30-16.00.When I finish learning it will go for a walk with a friend next to the school and then go home. When I was in my house for help Mom cook dinner or sometimes I and my family going out to eat.22.30 my school has many interesting activities such as sports day teacher's Day New Year's day, father's day, mother's day, etc., which I participate all activities but activities that I like most is Sport.I feel that I am happy with what I have to do is a good experience for me. I can learn new things all the time. My house is a two-story houses by first class consists of a bedroom, kitchen and toilet room three.The second floor of the house consists of two bedrooms. Changing rooms and deck, which distances from home to school about 1.5 kilometers when I go to school, my father was going to send and receive back at school. My father's occupation a privately-owned business about taxi cook. My mother is a retired official age teacher.Museum heaven Dragon Tower banharn is clear, convenient transportation conditions and good economy. What interests me is a cheerleader. Because I like to dance, have fun dress up.I saw her 4 cheerleader I want to be like my sister.When my family leisure we often went to Bangkok, where the morning evening tour department stores such as.The thing I don't like reptiles, such as snakes, geckos, I see these animals and รู้สึกกลัว hate and my hair. When I'm strong I feel enthusiastic maneuverabilityFatigue is a bright these will ever bring me down and unhappy.I plan on learning it is if I finish school I want to liberal arts major English Thammasat University if future I graduate from this branch to a career as a professional air host tre's ราะ. This is a career that I dreamed of.When he was a child and had to travel around the world.Finally, what I expect from a foreign exchange student. The overseas it is a precious experience in my life. Learning new things, whether it be a foreign culture.New friends and, most importantly, English, which I hope I will study hard and develop their English better and those affecting the body. When I go back to Thailand I apply that knowledge from it.A share to serve with daily life and life in learning and study in university levels make the most
since grade 4.
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