1.3 Diseases caused by smoking. Smoking is a major cause of the disease that threatens the world's population lives at least 25 of these diseases can be prevented. Or can be scaled down by quitting. While the average age of people in developing countries is increasing. The incidence and mortality from chronic diseases like. Cardiovascular disease and cancer are increasing these chronic diseases are closely associated with smoking. The World Health Organization has stated that 1 in 3 of cancer is caused by smoking. In addition, smoking can affect the health of the male smoking directly. Cigarette smoke also affects those closest to that of inhaled tobacco smoke. Serious illness caused by smoking, such as
1) cardiovascular disease. Typically, a person's heart is beating 60-80 beats per minute when smoking the nicotine and carbon monoxide will cause changes in the blood vessels. The capture of fat in the neck forward. Narrowing the blood vessels throughout the body. As a result, cardiovascular insufficiency. Myocardial oxygen Of heart attack, and if the blood vessels to the brain to cause dementia. Amphawanaram lead to a physical paralysis. Smokers are at risk of dying from a heart attack than non-smokers in the same age group up to 5 times and has estimated that smoking is the leading cause of death from heart attack, 80 percent of smokers aged. less than 50 years,
2), lung cancer, lung cancer is a common cancer ranks second in the men's Thailand and found that patients with lung cancer, men with a history of smoking an average of 94 percent of lung cancer in stage. When there are no signs that the disease is far spent. Symptoms include coughing up blood, weight reduction, pain, dyspnea, pain, spine, ribs, clavicle, the cancer spread to the bone. Swollen area Neck and upper chest Because blood pressure typically large tumors. Swallowing difficulty, etc. On average, patients with lung cancer are alive after the onset of about 6 months, and 80 percent will die within one year if the smoker to stop smoking prior to the change. permanently in the lungs, the risk of lung cancer can be reduced. The risk of cancer is increased by the amount of cigarettes smoked per day and the duration of smoking and smoking 1-14 cigarettes per day, the risk of dying from lung cancer. Than non-smokers to 8 times and if you smoke more than 25 cigarettes per day, the risk of death than non-smokers to be 25-fold in the case of lung cancer. Even patients have been maintained well. 5-year survival rate is only 15 percent as much as
3) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Chronic Obstructive Pullmonary Disease) is the fifth leading cause of death in the world was once obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial narrowing. Inhalation of toxins such as cigarette smoke or chemicals that results in inflammation spreads out wider. Causes of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 90 percent of smoking. The smoking history of 20 years in the majority. Sumalee back and fix it Sriratanasathavorn said although smoking will cause the greatness of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. But that does not mean that smoking is a major cause alone. Those who do not smoke or quit a long time, it may become ill from the disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A chronic disease of the respiratory system include bronchitis. Disease and emphysema This is one of the three major diseases caused by smoking. Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. A respiratory disease caused by toxins in cigarette smoke. Cause the tissues lining the respiratory tract. Air bag chronic lung irritation. This results in the creation of sputum, the patient cough. With the dissolution of the protein within the respiratory tract, resulting in bronchial mucosa thickening. Smaller bronchoconstriction Making to exert more in breathing. Patients were all suffering. While airbags lungs inflammation. Wall swelling airbag Brittle rupture together in a large bag, but can not. Dialysis patients have received insufficient oxygen. It is easy dyspnea In as much as the patient is unable to work or maintain a normal daily life because it can be grueling. To get oxygen all the time. However, the oxygen it needs to be careful. If given at high doses may cause the patient to breathe sometimes. If the patient is very dyspnea. Require a ventilator
1.4 oral study indicates. Smoking is a risk factor for periodontal disease. Chemicals in cigarette smoke cause periodontal disease and oral surgical wound healed slowly. Smokers are ingrained plaque on the teeth. The gap between the teeth and gums, bad breath, yellow teeth, gum recession and throat irritation. The prevalence of disease Periodontitis in smokers than nonsmokers 2 times, and if the cylinder volume. The risk of periodontal disease even higher. For those who smoke for more than 20 years, often with cancer oral mucosa. Because smoke into damage blood vessels that supply to the oral mucosa. Cause the taste perception of change. Dry mouth Jaw pain Cause difficulty swallowing and speaking
1.5. Other effects
: 1) tobacco smoke in the environment. When smokers Cigarette smoke is sprayed or floating in the atmosphere, which is much higher than the smoke inhaled by smokers themselves. Cigarette smoke is not only create but also the price is a threat to the health of non-smokers. Which must be in place with plenty of smoke in a long time. Are likely to develop lung cancer. And other serious diseases, particularly children, who live with their parents or those close to the smoker to get the toxins from cigarette smoke, and 1 in 3 of smokers. The children's respiratory symptoms. Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma has increased to 2 times if the child gets plenty of smoke in the North.
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