Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia was established About B.E. 1850 (B.E. 2393.) there is plenty of space for approximately 243 square kilometers with a population of about 1.6 million people, and is a city with a population of most of the country when looking at the race of people living in Kuala Lumpur, is a Malay and Chinese while the Indians are mostly only slightly.
for the new generation of Kuala Lumpur, who was known to him; and the Twin Towers, and of course
nationality nationality Malaysia Malaysia
national currency of Malaysia is
ringgit Malaysia (RM)
Malaysia is divided into $100
sign of ringgit exchange rate to the USD is
RM 3.80 per 1 USD 11.1904 Baht ringgit
= 1, Chico Gilead often - Malaysia Malaysia
Gilead, Louis, often (Nasi Lemak) popular food of Malaysia by Gilead, and often just a rice cooker with coconut milk and Pandan eat side by side with the 4, including anchovy fish fried sliced cucumber, boiled eggs and baked beans, Oklahoma Cityand always eat breakfast, but now has become a popular food eat all meals and widely used in neighboring countries, such as Singapore and the south of Thailand with
1.National Malaysia
Malaysia's National Assembly for men called the Malay Peninsula บาจู (Baju Melayu) contains a long-sleeved shirt and trousers made from silk, cotton or polyester with a mixture of cotton and a set of women called บาจู Jacuzzi, (Baju Kurung).Long skirts and
the Malay Peninsula บาจู
Malaysia blocks of the (Petronas Twin Tower)
is a twin towers in the world is the highest of all the floors up to 452 meters and has 88 floors with a total of 20 construction of the budget,000 million baht, and that this is a building owner owner oil producers, and the brand name, the same as it was the design blocks blocks are inspired by the characteristics of the 5 pillars of Islam in addition to the beautiful and the high tower block.within the building is the source of knowledge as well as arts, culture and entertainment music shopping, again with a large
Malaysia (Malaysia)
national flag: the land
Language: Malay (Bahasa Malaysia as official) English Chinese Tamil Tigers
religion: Islam (religion, National Ajarn) Buddhist (Ajarn), Christmas (Ajarn), Hindu (Ajarn) other (Ajarn)
1.Brunei Darussalam (Brunei, eclectic, and Elam)
national flag national flag of Brunei has a yellow background with a white stripe and black diagonally across from the flagstick to end. The flag, white bar on the top black bar on the bottom while the stars and stripes in the land of the brand is Brunei stamp which is different color.There is defined as follows:
king, yellow means white and black means a porch the council
why the Yellow Flag Brunei used media to the king; because thy flag routine use of the Sultan of Brunei Flag Yellow background
1.Brunei, prohibiting the Spread (Negara Brunei Darussalam): flower SIM Porto Alegre
Brunei national flower is flower SIM Porto Alegre (Simpor) or known as the flower of Dilleniaceae Cha (Dillenia) flowers local Brunei has a large petals of yellow petals, and if full bloom. It looks like an umbrellaThere is Khun helps keep wounds. if anybody to visit Brunei will be seen from the notes of $1 each in Brunei and native art work.
Brunei บันดาร์ Free Day, and the capital of Brunei was founded in the nineteenth century 8 (the painting was 13) is located in the northern part of the river is Brunei area 1,395 square kilometers with a population around 1.There are 400,000 people with the people of Brunei Malay with a population and a major Chinese ethnic minorities living
The major tourist attractions of the city, and the kettle บันดาร์ Free Day There are several important concepts is a separate place in religion, it must go to the Sultan Mosque Omar, wheat, cyber to throw soil which is the mosque of gold Italian styleIt must be attached to the water village Kampong Ayer Brunei River longer than 8 km away from the hotel, this is a world heritage, the living is more than 30,000
household, and more than 1 thousand years old,
Brunei nationality nationality, Brunei
Brunei DOLLARS (Brunei Dollar), approximately 1.37
1 USD, or about 23.98 Baht/ $1 Brunei
There is an agreement to exchange Brunei, Singapore Brunei
with a total value of the US dollar and US dollar Singapore and can be used as a replacement for exchange rates, it is to the US dollar Singapore approximately 23.95 Baht/1 Singapore dollars
อัมบู ยัต - Brunei
3. Brunei
อัมบู ยัต (Ambuyat) is a popular restaurant with the characteristics of Brunei in the flour consistency will be like rice or congee, flour sago palm is the main ingredients flour อัมบู ยัต itself does not have a tasteIn addition, there are other side 2 - 3 types of fresh vegetables such as Grilled or fried meats meat; wrapped in banana leaf, fine dining, sumptuous อัมบู ยัต must eat at hot, it is best to be
4.National of Brunei
Similar to the National Assembly of Brunei's national men in Malaysia called บาจู Infonesian (Baju Melayu), a set of women called บาจู Jacuzzi, (Baju Kurung), but the women Brunei will be dressed with a light-colored clothes.The man is dressed in a shirt, long sleeve shirt and long pants to his knees, and then skirt sarong is a reflection of culture, social conservative มุสสิม because Brunei is a country that must be covered and dressed polite
บาจู บาจู the Malay Peninsula and the Jacuzzi - Brunei Brunei
prohibiting, and Elam (Brunei Darussalam)
national flag the emblem of state language: Malay language (Malay or Bahasa Melayu) is a religious conflict, in English and Chinese
religion:National Islamic religion is (67 % ), other religions such as Buddhism (13 % ), Christianity (10 % ), and Hindu
of Republic Singapore (the Republic of Singapore)
national flag of Singapore with the toolbar can be divided into two half-sized flag color red bar is located on the white bar is located on the.
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