The rat is a provincial issue since children are in need of a tv image of one man saw mice walk preceded and then followed by your people to walk a lot to him. At the same time, there are people sitting on the floor to welcome wherever you go. The man who is in touch until they grow up to know that the Hamster is the owner of the land, the rat and the rat saw plenty of my opinions as to the way tv, so he helps a lot of mice. The more time in front of the rain. Torrent The flood he went south, to see the problem issue trouble and he built a dam irrigation canal. Best range of dry, his face to the northeast to see drought-hit people of the Northeast, artificial rain, and he helped people. Rat Yes, but think of all the time that ... Why does this guy want difficulties themselves. He traveled to all the wild and are difficult. He made everything so that people in both countries. You all know how much good he can be in the area where the geographical feature that is Thailand? Water basin. The mountains, such as those near the House, Pak phanang, a. place a very large reservoir to aquaculture and beneficial to the lives and well-being of the people in the area. A. Pak phanang relatives living in the area were those of both agriculture and cultivation. Animals all year round. For rats, mice and rats dream that someday will want to see this guy again in my life, really, rats, December 4, 2006, which is attempted before the December 5 birthday, he one day because each year as HM. A rat will come back news from Wang to join the far concerns the Government has held a rat had come for his people in front of the school garden chitlada. He's now coming almost throw him a ride with the Queen. Your rat Queen, but God is still very much a seat, but the rat saw God he is very sharp. Mice, rats, and previously happy to celebrate 60 year anniversary of when the Siri throne June 9, 2006 with a hundred people. The rat is one of them who have tried to. Rat request vacation to 1 a day to get to his good shape for your horse. The rat awake since 4 buy one bottle of water hit with 1 bag of bread, to listen to such an extent that he became, waits for the rats seemed not enough for you, it's hot, but the heat-resistant mice have been so tired he thought ... shape mice than rats in many student. And he was tired of all your life to his people and he came flying out of the window, stick with the rat and the other seats, and everyone was waving the flag and saying at the same time that the ... A King King so much echo. Rats and mice would think what you hear is your influence. Everyone together without emitting loud yelling out people who want to come sit and shout. Like this, but everyone was emitting loud came out at the same time. The rat feel so grateful shocker helps people The rat probably describe the feeling you get just one sheet of paper is not all because of all the activity. Not that the city of gold.At Sanam Luang, or the Royal Road, both outside the booth and someone is going to stand the mice in. muen for photos of Lord Buddha. The mice stand stand and return to the House, mice and 1 hit for only one picture of your photos and the latest mice to work of public security officer held on Coronation day he good horses go when mice May 7 2010 to see your watch and then holed up; with so much to absorb. Because he is very tired, he is really, I think, mice come back now, he was not feeling well are at siriraj hospital, it could be because when your body strong and very hard work for your shape. Without such at all. Enough to make your life more of your lovely body, very. For mice and rats think and not ordinary people, but people who are born with sacred influence. As the Buddha, which are always for the idea itself, mice, rats or laeokradat that are not mice calendar can be applied to other benefits in addition to the store. Another one of the rats, I would like to say in this article is to live, but enough that you provide. Today, he teaches farmers if they have one. Must be divided into making a living? Part home, part fish, planting vegetables, another of the rat's life. Rat running is here considered a salary but little rat, not a lavish lifestyle. Money is deposited, the Bank part 3 section storage storage the spending part of the routine within 1 month, purchase another of the award itself? Rats wanted everyone to do this, I will be comfortable no liabilities. Finally, a rat thought to answer your Rats do not have to make big, beautiful, I just wanted to project a rat is a good man in society, and not to create trouble to others, Yes, enough already. You will have peace of mind. Don't stress and will not affect your body. You will have a happy healthy town to accompany people throughout the country to Thailand, the more long standing. ประเทศของเราเป็นประเทศที่อุดมสมบูรณ์เป็นอู่ข้าวอู่น้ำแผ่นดินคือร่างกายน้ำคือสายเลือดเกษตรกรคือหัวใจดังนั้น โครงการพระราชดำริมากมายกว่า๑,๒๓๐โครงการจึงเกี่ยวกับการบริหารจัดการน้ำหลักสำคัญว่าต้องมีน้ำบริโภคถ้ามีน้ำคนอยู่ได้ถ้าไม่มีน้ำคนอยู่ไม่ได้เพราะน้ำคือชีวิตจากปุยเมฆสูงสู่ลัดโพธิ์คือสูตรสำเร็จในการบริหารจัดการน้ำตามแนวพระราชดำริยามฝนแล้ง ต้องก่อกวนเลี้ยงให้อ้วนแล้วโจมตีเป็นฝนหลวงกักเก็บน้ำด้วยเขื่อนและอ่างเก็บน้ำชะลอการไหลของน้ำด้วยฝายทดน้ำเมื่อน้ำเสียให้ ใช้ผักตบชวาเป็นเครื่องกรองน้ำธรรมชาติเติมอากาศด้วยกังหันชัยพัฒนาและเมื่อระดับน้ำก่อให้เกิดภาวะวิกฤติ ทรงมีแนวพระราชดำริให้รู้จักป้องกันและแก้ไขตั้งแต่การฟื้นฟูป่าเพื่อชะลอการไหลของน้ำแก้มลิงประตูระบายน้ำและท้ายสุด คือการเร่งระบายออกสู่ทะเลแบบคลองลัดโพธิ์ From common practice and his divine grace gives the Lord chariya continued her vast literary depth. Comparison of water in the Ocean as if to anoint her mind,
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