The edit history.Quantity ญ SUPA jewel Born March 19, 1937, when the people of Chiang Mai is 2533. There are two brothers who is a child of the family. There is a sister had wrapped a name (prang SUPA jewel). The family currently live in Lampang The actual name. ญ stands that quantity of degree best surname SUPA glass jewel means virtue.MAK graduated in the kindergarten-level Justice letter, Chiang Mai. Elementary school Prince Roy yaen College in Chiang Mai Grade 3 must move to Lampang, because my father to my mother want to work there. So per grade 4 up to grade 6 at assumption College Lampang-Lampang has created a portfolio of competitive judo in youth sports competition of the National Games at the time, Lotus 24, Ubon Ratchathani province as the last item before take studies in higher education at the University level, with athletes because the piece, Rangsit, a judo Middleweight version of the University also in Judo Association of Thailand 2558. "1st black belt diploma" and as "the nation's Judo" diplomacy with Thailand.College of tourism, study of the pieces ever and Rangsit University. Current graduate faculty of business administration undergraduate school student ID 5,101,331 Rangsit University market.Log in to the entertainment industry by taking a shot music video photo ads until the first theatrical performance. Shade-loving decoy and known as more of a "love in the drama potphi potphi aditwon's role in the drama series 4-heart mountain.
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