As well as the preparation of the information GAP, but farmers in the operation, they encountered a problem due to the lack of incentives for farmers, according to the GAP system, because there are difficult when high production costs, price fluctuations, and output the results to risk damage from pests and more. Both the Government and the private sector, cooperation projects, procurement of knowledge about vegetables, non-toxic and organic vegetables. Goal is to convey knowledge of organic vegetable production systems and integrated farmers ' groups in the area, with the ability to produce vegetables, non-toxic and organic vegetables. Farmland rehabilitation and quality of life of farmers or the environment in the workplace that reduce consumption and reduce costs from the chemicals. Increasing income from the distribution of output, non-toxic and organic, as well as good health. There are links and develop market channels to distribute the output to sell to the public, all levels of party organizations, and agencies to strengthen the cooperation between both the public and private sectors in the area.
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