Commerce, revealed September inflation 58 decrease negative 1.07% 9 consecutive months Yan Thai customs not เข้าสู่ภาวะเงินฝืด with fine estimation. Remaining negative 1.0% to 0.2% cause. Oil price fall - us weak forecast GDP in this year dropped...
.The 1 OCT 58 you somkiat women. Relationship, trade policy and strategy office, Ministry of Commerce, said that the general consumer price index of the country. (inflation) in September 58 was 106.28 reduced 1.07% compared with the month.A negative. 57 consecutive months 9 and reduced 0.05% compared to August 58 reduced 0.05% as average 9 month (Jan - SEP 58). Reduced 0.09% compared to the same period last year, because price price of liquefied petroleum gas, electricity and blue public fare is reduced as the energy cost reduced.
.However, the Ministry of Commerce, the estimated inflation in the new 58 was negative 1% to remove 0.2% according to the hypothesis. Gross domestic product at 2.5-3.5% from old growth 3-4% crude oil market, Dubai, year average at 48-58 USD per barrel from the expected average 50-60 coins. US per barrel. The average annual rate in the 33-35 per USD, originally expected in 32-34.By adjusting the estimated numbers of this negative inflation An estimate of negative for the first time in 6 years in 52 at 0 negative inflation.9%
."Inflation continuous negative 9 months. Confirm the economy has not into deflation. Because factors make negative inflation from retail oil decreases. But the situation still trading grew normally.For items which increase in the month.. 58 has reached 184 items, mainly food, such as meat, fish, eggs, lemon, red onion, vegetables and fruits of some type.
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