Analysis of the competitive market overview In the current user using the tools of communication and the Internet are numerous. The customer has the option to buy the SIM card a lot, every network chuen has proposed a new promotion that allows users to choose according to your needs and fine all the time. Use social media to market your business, whether it is a new way for it to access the customer easier and reduce the cost of advertising. Strategic thinking in order to attract consumers with little money, but the principle is to use the value consumers, such as designing a promotion that is consistent with the STM pour anet because most people today are using more and more trendy anet call in one camp.And different camps must be accepted from the general population because there are fewer competitors in the country, it's a good list in a very competitive market, more competition, markets and competing under the main problems of the consumer will be over. In addition, there must be a readiness and development network, equal or superior to competitors. Analysis of the target group (Target Audience). Country of Thailand, it is one of several countries that have used Social network and most countries tend to be increasingly in the most select a network that has political stability and keep the signal observed as a whole. Most of the users are in a group of teenagers from high school until the beginning of the University, most of which are still unable to find the money themselves. The use of pre-paid SIM mabaep, as an alternative for consumers. Therefore, companies need to present the main points of the benefits of a big reservoir, only. Using people who can convince the mind of the user may be an actor, or a Net Idol celebrities celebrity the way social media to make a product that appeals to the user, service, or activity outside the tomb at the exit booth by schools and universities, it is another way to help increase efficiency in distribution.
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