What's good to eat in the railway market, Ratchada.If they come walking market. It is recommended that, based on the choice of. Each little shop. Each shop a little bit of good, because of the variety of featured and attractive, but it is. 1. ice t, ice clear, jumbo: press out high. Put a pretty easily, just look to the great mountain.2. eggs: there are several in the ink market. 50 baht per Bowl flavors khem man Are good.3. Fried Sun-dried beef: delicious, delicious cooked this kind of emotional eating with rice.4. k bubble: a choice of beef, chicken, and it costs 50 baht per piece (add cheese 10. THB!).5. Grill bread shop: approximately 2-3 stores, but a bunch of people waiting for the store is litelt farm (merchant of love)6. soft vintage retro drinking age back to try: what people like to eat "." great taste.7. the ancient Cathedral, coffee: coffee on the man made the coach stood on the car at all in a good mood lol.8. barbecue restaurants: there are many shops, but emotional. Try putting the Panel together on eatsy shop vans old. Yellow car beauty To watch 9. am: noodles stand praying as free, but it also seats as well lol.10. train: tiao shrimp it area may be less than noodles but taste cool am. SaepIn addition, it has many casual spot. Dairy pharmacies and other outlets of the purchase to this zone is called the crowded middle way must be considered at some point flow.
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