Bhumibol Adulyadej Maharaj is born at the hospital mount ออเบิร์น City Cambridge state mass of Chu zest. The United States on Monday, up 12 moon, lunar month rabbit. 8 9 of 12 coup d .December 5, ๒๔๗๐, original name that a prince, Prince Bhumibol Adulyadej. His son is small in vadhana Krom Luang and Prince Mahidol det (son In King Rama Vพระพันวัสสา vadhana). And the spindle head register. After both of you have been celebrating the title. His hands with the assistive technology is the foundation, and the royal couple resulted at the Royal College of nursing.Is her Royal Highness Princess galyani vadhana Krom was born on 6 May. Buddhist ศักร 9 24 6 6 in London, England, to King Ananda Mahidol University Ph. D เมนทร His birthday on 20 September B.In the paper, Dale Burke, Germany
.When the original of 24, tokens to recap. He graduated M.D. degree which honors from Harvard University, USA, went back to Thailand, stamps At srapathum palace later in the day, 24B. good. 2 recap die. Then the king. The present reign. Thai for less than two years old. And when older. 5. Having attended primary. At school, ha.Bangkok to B. ๒๔๗๖, and went to his at the Lausanne, Switzerland, with the Pope, the ensemble nursing sister and brother To study in primary school. In miremont.German and English. Then he enrolled students at the É Cole Nouvel de la Shi is Rome Restaurant City แชลลี named Austin, he received the certificate in arts. Gyms personal defense Sheikh Gang Donald of Lausanne.He selected in the fields of engineering.
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