1. power source of vitamin bFull performance power source throughout the day. Vitamin B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B12 and b 9. Vitamin B1, anti fatigue relief fatigue inducing sleep and illness caused by abnormal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B2 helps to increase the rate of metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrate. Therefore, it improves the speed of change, these substances are in power. Vitamin B5 helps to increase the strength of the immune system in people with allergies. Help slow down the oxidizing qualities treat hair growth Vitamin B5 deficiency can affect the hormones produced by the adrenal glands resulting in abnormal hormone occurs. In men with low sperm count found that down. Sterilize and hair loss, etc. Vitamin B6 helps to accelerate the metabolism of protein. The balance control of blood flow by creating red blood cells. 2. retain the youthful Anti agingResisting independent data: permission, aromatics and vitamin e protects cells in the body for cell regeneration and youthful beauty constant and protect cells from the effects caused by chemical reactions, both internally and externally, such as the destruction by sunlight, temperature, mood, from the environment and weather conditions. Pollution etc can slow the aging and effectively. Martin j. Villa: stimulates collagen help the aging process occurs, adjust control, flexibility, and helps maintain skin wounds, protein and amino acids. Repair cells and create a new replacement cells, the cells start to deteriorate. 3. adjust the level of the hormone balance.Royal Jelly helps to control effectively the endocrine glands in both men and women. Can help control the menstrual cycle and relieves menstrual pain. For those who are sexual dysfunction. Royal Jelly helps stimulate sexual feelings has helped reduce symptoms in menopause.4. improves the strength of the immune system and disease resistance of the body.There are various compounds that resemble proteins, which help strengthen the immune system. 10-HDA *** 10-HDA *** high-quantity: as there are specific nutrients in milk, honey, Royal Jelly, or only. 10-HDA *** change to aid system for disease resistance in human body, prevent illness and help protect cells from being destroyed.5. other benefits of Royal Jelly Royal Jelly or.To promote the work of the blood system, and prevent blocking blood khwangkrasae longevity, energy. Reduce fatigue and depression decrease the infection increases the absorption of other nutrients helps to increase appetite. Make the teeth and bone structure. Birth control, migraines, diabetes, diseases, diseases of the stomach and intestines about kao. Arthritis and other diseases, hemorrhoids.
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