Need a cleaner to clean a store in Westfield Eastgardens Shopping Center. Job starts from 8 am everyday, 7 days a week. Cleaning equipments will be provided
Only people lives or work near East Garden should call or text.
Need a cleaner to clean a store in Westfield Eastgardens Shopping Center. Job starts from 8 am everyday, 7 days a week. Cleaning equipments will be provided Only people lives or work near East Garden should call or text.
Need a Cleaner to Clean a Store in Westfield Eastgardens Shopping Center. Job starts from 8 AM everyday, 7 days a week. Cleaning Equipments Will be Provided Only People Work Lives or near East Garden should call or text.
Need a cleaner to clean a store in Westfield Eastgardens Shopping Center. Job starts from 8, am everyday 7 days a week.? Cleaning equipments will be provided
Only people lives or work near East Garden should call or text.