The India Festival play colours (Holi festival) celebrated across the country this Holi Holy color thaet doom Festival starts in the early spring. Nature changes from cold as hot weather which this change can affect human health and the human mind, per. Because when the weather started to change from a hot winter. People are not comfortable cold weather because it is aware that behind this festival to the colored scattering to fun only. But those ancient natural therapy removes the alias. Using pigments from plants and natural herbs that can be found in red blue yellow green body therapy put together a scattering the melody comes to create immunity to the body with.In addition to changing winter into summer. Natural colour change it significantly. Colourful flowers in full bloom The people of ancient India, but it adjusts to fit their environment. It is a color that colors occur naturally authentic. Nationals of India will change from winter clothing dress is colourful Sari showy summer. Change the food .... All of this is that he is so celebrated as the Festival of colours, that's human nature. India sees it the natural way of life, it sees fit, natural and close to nature, the most.Legends of Holi Festival there are many stories like the story that haengosun owners receive the blessings from Hiranyakashyap Brahma as the immortals came with no one killed. The Lord want everyone to worship the demon ourselves only, but the name son Prahlad, but Lord Vishnu worship Vishanu back make very angry demon tries to find a way to make myself dead. One of the ways is to trick burned by fire with Prahlad into the worship ceremony, the sister of their name, Holika, sister of these special blessings that fire cannot hurt her, but it appears that when on fire. Her back was burning by Prahlad return anything, because this is a blessing that she is on the condition that she attend the fire alone. For adherence by Prahlad to worship Vishnu, so it is not always what is fire. The worship of Holi comes from the words that the media fire burned Holika, it is said to commemorate the event, someone will say that God is not adhering to the worship and Dharma inevitably win always Dua. There is another story of Krishna in the Phra Nang, love the name Radha love between the two so deep and romantic makklao sueng agreed that Krishna likes to play on the colors Radha scattering has become a tradition to come. In addition, it is the story of Shiva with her various myths, including that Kamadeva represents virtue is to better worship brings secure survival ...... it is a myth that worship the legendary succession of traditional India.And when the people of India for the current season, he will return home to find family, gift giving, and represent love, unity, and stability properties of linkage India Institute of family, clearly. This Holi Festival is concerned, by the time of.อีกนัยหนึ่งเทศกาลนี้....ในสมัยพุทธกาลน่าจะเรียกว่า พาลนักษัตร คือเทศกาลเล่นของคนพาลทั้งหลาย เพราะว่า บรรดาเด็กหนุ่ม ๆ ทั้งหลาย เมื่อถึงเทศกาลนี้ ก็จะดื่มสิ่งมึนเมากันในวันนี้...และจะเมาได้และทำอะไรตามใจได้ตามเวลาที่กำหนด..ดังนั้นจึงไม่เหมาะโดยประการทั้งปวงที่สุภาพสตรีจะเดินทางออกนอกบ้านในเทศกาลนี้ เท่าที่สังเกตช่วงที่ประกาศเทศกาลHoli ในปีนี้นั้นคือ เริ่มเวลา ๐๘.๐๐ น. - ๑๓.๐๐ น. จะเป็นช่วงเวลาแห่งการปล่อยผี ปล่อยความชั่วร้ายทั้งหลาย จะไม่มีรถยนต์วิ่งเลยสักคัน นอกจากมอเตอร์ไซด์ที่วัยรุ่นอินเดียขับออกมาเล่นสีกัน แม้แต่ชาวต่างชาติ ผู้แสวงบุญต่างก็ต้องงดเว้น การเดินทางในช่วงเวลาดังกล่าวเพื่อความปลอดภัย เมื่อเลยเวลาที่ประกาศแล้ว ทุกอย่างก็จะกลับมาเป็นปกติเหมือนเดิมThis Holi Festival, often throwing each new year's Day celebration .., India is considered the transition into full moon day of the Hindu vision is a bad thing, while Chai hotels and celebrate the good things in the new year reception.
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