Translation, featuring Born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa, Italy, the son of the eldest of six children of Vincenzo Galilei, a famous musician lutes mother named Julia Amman na. When Galileo was 8 years old, the family moved to settle in Florence. But Galileo to stay with Jago Expo New Borghese two years [5] He was educated at the Convent of Moldovans Leicester. City Hunter Lombardo Sabrosa. The distance from Florence to the southeast, about 34 kilometers [5] Galileo are thought to be ordained since I was young. But he enrolled in medicine at the University of Pisa, according to his father. Galileo did not finish medical school. To have a degree in mathematics from the [6] in 1589, he was elected head of the Mathematics Department at the University of Pisa until the year 1591 when his father died. Galileo undertook pastoral brother who is a legacy Guinea shield, he moved on to teach at the University of Padua in 1592, teaching geometry, mechanics and astronomy until the year 1610 [4]. During this period, Galileo made many important discoveries. Both pure science (eg, kinetic movement. And astronomy) or science (such as the hardness of the material. And the development of the telescope), his interests also include knowledge of astrology. In an era that is important, not mathematics or astronomy ever [7] Although Galileo is a Catholic strictly [8], but he had an illegitimate 3 people with Marina Gamba, a daughter 2 is Virginia (. born 1600) and Olivia (born 1601) and one son who is Vincenzo (born 1606), since the two illegitimate daughters. Can not marry anyone. The only option for them is the way of religion. The girls were sent to the convent of San Dimas Dottie's. In Arcetri And stayed there until life [9] a religious Virginia such that Maria Celeste, she died on April 2, 1634, her body was buried with Galileo at the cemetery Manitoba. silica Santa Croce Olivia a religious matter. Sister Arkansas Gela. With good health and ill always sickly. The Vincenzo has registered as children of the law later. And was married to Jose steel licks. Tell Milwaukee Neri [10] Since 1610, Galileo published his research, the observations moon of Jupiter. As a result, he suggests that observers. Sun is the center of the universe In support of Copernicus's ideas. This contrasts with the traditional concept of Ptolemy and Aristotle that. Earth is the center of the universe The following year, Galileo traveled to Rome. To demonstrate his telescope to these philosophers and mathematicians interested. So that they could see the moon, the four satellites of Jupiter with my own eyes [11] at Rome, he became a member of a macadamia and Linda Garcia (Lin Hsien Academy) [. 12] in 1612 was against the sun as the center of the Universe 1614 Father Tomasz Sokak Japan announced as the new preacher in the Church of Santa Maria Novella. Condemned Galileo for the concept of global mobility. That he is dangerous and may be a heretic. Galileo traveled to Rome to fight the allegations, but in 1616, Cardinal Roberto Bell Larry Minogue gave the injunction to Galileo personally. Not to be related to the teaching of the theory of Copernicus Astronomical another one during the years 1621 to 1622, Galileo wrote his first book is "Il Sasso Ja Storage" (Italian: Il Saggiatore; Means analysts) would be allowed to be published in 1623, Galileo returned to Rome again in 1630 for permission to publish the book "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World. Systems "(conversation with the two systems), later published in Florence in 1632, however, in October of that same year. He was ordered to testify before the court at Rome religion research papers and his trial. He was convicted of a serious doubt as heretics. Galileo detainees from the year 1634 onwards strict him to leave his home country at Arcetri. Outside the city of Florence Galileo permanently blind in 1638, also suffered from hernia and insomnia. Later, he was allowed to go to Florence to heal. He continues to welcome visitors are always up until the year 1642, where he died of a fever and heart failure [13] [14].
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