The island is an island, the largest island in the Greek islands and the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean sea, with an area of 8,336 square kilometers
In the center of civilization, a (Minoan civilization) that is one of the oldest civilization in the Greek civilization during the glory of about 2600 to 1400 B.C.
At present, it is one of the thirty-three jurisdictions of Greece (Peripheries of Greece) and is the most important economic and cultural legacy of Greece island, known as the Italian language, the "media" units (Candia).The location of the "Chandax, there is the important part of the history of the place is now a very popular tourist's C, is a set of the lecture on the importance of civilization, as well as the both of them, and the fire sauce. Tom (Phaistos),Gordon Otis (Gortys), seaports, Tanzania (Chania) of Venice, Venetian Castle and the MBA, (Rethymno) and reach him, Maria (Samaria Gorge) in the first World War, the island was a military base two ships of Italy
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