1 plastic bottle. The prepared cleaning
2. The spray paint spray over the bottle. สีละ 6 bottle, while the other 7 ขวดไม่ need to spray because they are used as a control
3.Triangular hole size 2 cm area of top bottle to breathing and feeding, 4
. Cut off the head of plastic bottle cylinder size 10 cm
5.The tadpole, age 1 month put into plastic bottles prepared, add water to flood after a frog. Cover tightly
6. Be put on the shelves by placing a plastic bottle to tilt 45 degrees. In the shade
7. Feed per day 2 time 0.5 g (the morning time 06.00.And in the evening, when 18.00.)
8. Change the water frog 2 days per 1 times before feeding times 2 (evening)
9. Open the bottle cap, when the frog is grown. (3 months)
10. The weighing and save weight frogs all 15 days / times Until the frog will complete on time 3 months
.From the period after the frog into a bottle)
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