Hello Barney honey
I hope you get a good rest in the weekend of weeks Have read your message and feel the joy and mixed with a slight disappointment!Because during the past year, I never feel the love you have for me. I love you (only)
society of people's social dear family. And my family too!I have a mother and aunt, who is very old. I have one sister, she got married and I have one brother
my family opened a shop at home supplies general. We all pharmacies Three store. We share, take care of a store
.My mother and my aunt to live at the house of my sister. My own private will live in one house with my brother is smaller after the first house. But both houses are not far.Because we help each other all the time. We love each other and share things together, everyone in my family we understand each other. เคารพซึ่งกันและกัน and after I resigned as my teacher.My life is nothing much. I wake up in the morning, I went to water my flowers planted (I like flowers). After drinking coffee and opened a shop as usual every day. The life plan that I'll have to answer you part
.1 about stable in life. I would have to work and save money for some to keep spending when I'm old ชรา
2.About marriage I can answer you not very clear. Because now I have no one who really love me! Because of this need to make people both to think and to help decide whether to ดำเนินการอย่างไร.I will stay with the person I love whether he is where I want to be close to someone I love me to take care of him and wanted to take him to the most valuable. And I'm not afraid to be in trouble if I could live with someone I love.(and I still hope to give that guy a)
.Will wait for the reply from you as well
love you now and forever, as well as Jakky
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