Burmese General information* Note: the State Council after the meeting, Myanmar is January 31, 2011 for the first time when Myanmar has renamed the country is British, Republic of Myanmar (formerly The Union of Myanmar is The Republic of the Union changes of Myanmar) are a form of Government of the Republic of. There is a Parliament, which consists of the people's Council, the local Council and the Council of ethnic, with position Teng Seng Mr. Ka Nin thipdi, which is the head of State and head of Government since March 30, 2011.The location in the North and North-East, next to China (2, 185 km)The Southeast, adjacent to Laos (235 km) and Thailand (2, 401 km.)The West, adjacent to India (1, 463 km) and Bangladesh (193 km)The South Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Bengal657, 740 area. Square kilometres (approximately 1.3 times of Thailand). Capital cities (Nay Pyi Taw) Neville pido (As specified in chapter 13 of the Constitution, but the Government year 2551 (2008) Myanmar has not yet informed officially merge, note).Population of 58.38 million (fiscal year 2551 (2008)-2552 (2009))Myanmar/Burma, official languages. Religion Buddhism (89 percent), Christianity (5 percent), Islam (4%), other (2 per cent).PoliticsHead of State and President Mr. Teng Seng (U Thein Sein). * Note countersigned Sdn Bhd senior (Senior General Than Shwe) chuai ex-head of State, which still holds the military rank, but it is not a legal term according to the Constitution of Myanmar.Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mong Wanna Chase (U Wunna Maung Lwin)Regime The members of Parliament from the elections by the President of the country and the head of Government is the head of State. Administrative divisions of State Government is divided into 7 (state) for the majority of the population is minority, and 7 regions (region) of the population, mainly ethnic Burman.National Day January 4, 1948 (2491)Date established diplomatic relations on August 24, 1948 (2491), Thailand.Economy and trade.Currency exchange rate of approximately 725 chat chat equals 1 us dollar equals approximately 1 chat or 24 baht (as of September, 2554 (2011))Gross domestic product us $ 31.7 billion (year 2553 (2010)) Income per head of us $ 2, 858 (year 2553 (2010)) Economic expansion 3.3 per cent (year 2553 (2010)) Major import items, synthetic fiber machinery Finished oil. Major export items. Natural gas, wood, seeds, and nuts. The relationship between Thailand with uk Myanmar, Republic of *Bilateral relations between Thailand with Myanmar1. Overview of the relationship.1.1 relationship between Thailand with Myanmar and have a better exchange of high-level visit and consultation between the two countries continuously. By the Prime Minister to visit Myanmar, 2 times on the occasion of the visit was to get a new position. When attending a meeting Oct. 5, 2011 and the leader of the Mekong Basin countries, 6 (GMS) 4 on 19-Dec. 20, 2011 in time. The Prime Minister met with the President to discuss Myanmar at Pune and Mrs. Ong pido San Suu Kyi in Yangon.1.2 the agency involved two parties with the progress of bilateral cooperation in various aspects of the ongoing. A crackdown on drugs The prevention and suppression of trafficking illegal workers to solve the problem. To promote trade and investment and the latest Myanmar Government opened crossing point in myawaddy opposite fixed A. Mae Sot, Tak when Dec. 5, 2011 (after closing since Jul. 18, 2010), and released the prisoners people of Thailand 8 people to honor h.m. birthday his Majesty reached. 7 round hospitality and is in a relationship with Thailand.๑.๓ ไทยกับเมียนมาร์มีความร่วมมือภายใต้กลไกทวิภาคีที่สำคัญ คือ (๑) คณะกรรมาธิการร่วม (Thailand Myanmar Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation - JC) (๒) คณะกรรมการชายแดนส่วนภูมิภาค (Regional Border Committee - RBC) (๓) คณะกรรมการเขตแดนร่วม (Joint Boundary Committee - JBC) รวมทั้งคณะกรรมการด้านเทคนิคว่าด้วยแม่น้ำที่เป็นเขตแดน และ (๔) คณะกรรมาธิการร่วมด้านการค้า (Joint Trade Commission - JTC)
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