- a single market and production base!As the market of goods and services to help support the development of network manufacturing in the region, และเสริมสร้าง potential of ASEAN in the center of the world production. And is part of the world supply chain., to help increase the capacity of competitive ASEAN
.- a regional competition ability
target importance of integration do economically of the association are to create regions with high competitive ability Have a prosperous and stable economic
.The region has competition ability is 6 major components including
(1) competition policy (2) you fell consumer (3) property rights do D wisdom. (IPR) (4) infrastructure development (5), tax (6) electronic commerce
.- a regional development do economically equal
.The development of it economically equal with 2 components, (1) development of small ships and a small (SME) (2) initiative in the integration of ASEAN. (Initiatives for ASEAN Integration:IAI) initiative aims to reduce the development gap, the SME and strengthen the integration of Cambodia Lam.) And Vietnam to implement the obligation and strengthen the competitiveness of the ah.
.- a regional integration into the global economy
.ASEAN is in the midst of the environment with the connectivity and network with high world by market and rely on and industrial world. Therefore, to make the business sector of the ASEAN can compete in the international market.As well as the internal market continues to maintain an attractive investment from abroad. ASEAN has to look outside the region
.ASEAN integration into the global economy by recoding 2 measures is (1) establishing FTA (FTA) and an economic partnership closely. (CEP) with countries outside the region (2) participation in the network world supply chain
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