The meaning of pastry The word "candy" understand that comes from two words that are mixed with rice and milk rice is set too far. It is understood that rice rice manan mixed with sugar cane juice, a sweet rice that มก็ means maplae, which translates as sweet rice, it is called a distortion to the short pastry! Part comes from milk and rice (rice to knead milk) will show as a guest, because some types of food use of rice stirred kgawtipis traditional path of ancient guests (as Mrs. Suchada did when he joined the Buddhist enlightenment, as it is also known as rice milk) and to say so soon phianklai as a dessert instead.The word dessert has a long history of use for hundreds of years, whether it's a combination of what is difficult to surmise, of course, also known as candy in ancient times or in the modern dessert, it is caused by rice, roasted, blended (dough) and then mixed with sugar, as only the first version of candy. In the book, Tom mentioned God trailokya dried up as well. There were flour with sugar. Later, there were adapted with possibilities for further. Up to now, there are also mixed with coconut. Thai coconut with pastry flour and sugar. Not out of all 3 belong to the indigenous find in General.
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