In order to promote foreign investment. Indonesia's Government has attempted to rectify the economic matters of trade regulations. The banking, finance and investment, in order to have a more free and easy. Allowing the private sector to foreign investment in several sectors, parties were limited, so. Indonesia's economy is to grow, and grow continuously. Political stability, abundant natural resources and labor wages are not very high, are factors that continue to support foreign investment. However, enterprises that do but most benefits come rather than economic development of the nation. Low-interest loan funds from outside in order to invest in the joint venture, which does not cause revenue. And that there are no race due to protection from the State. Make it impossible to compete with foreign manufacturers.Third principle of Trisakti discussed creating a complex identity and culture society of Indonesia. Of Indonesia began to shrink when confronted with disgrace to good tantayaporn and technological advances. Education system as to what to push to create an identity of Indonesia. As a national election and very rich culture, respect for religious values. Indonesia must create a project that allows people access to the education system and public health, success.
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