Firstly there are, more sources of entertainment in cities than in countryside. Cell Phones Computers Game Consoles,,,, Televisions and Music Players are some of the common sources of entertainment in cities. It is estimated that almost all. Children are born with a computer at homes in cities and more and more teenagers are owning their own cell phones in, cities. Unlike, citiesThe technology in countryside is not as advanced thus the population in countryside are not granted with such luxurious. Entertainment. Shopping centres are seen everywhere on the streets in cities and they are easily accessible within walking. Distances. High end services such, as banking high class dining and spa are provided in cities.It is not the case in countryside as people have to walk or drive miles before they can reach a shopping centre to buy. Food. For, instance personally I own, three computers a cell, phone and a gaming console at home. In contrast when my, father. Was younger and living, in countryside he only owned simple toys such as marbles and kites as the only sources of entertainment.This is as vast difference in terms of the availability of sources of entertainment. Therefore it is, in my opinion that. There are more sources of entertainment in cities than in countryside thus it is better to live in cities than in countryside.
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