Coat of arms of Indonesia is called the serpent of serpent shaped feature fifth khrut khrut precepts have a side wing feather feather tail cone, 17 8 19 tail feather and fur collar 45 refers to the August 17 independence day 1945 declared King Center the shield shaped khrut within the shield is divided into 4 sections, and there is a small shield overlay layer. The upper left slot of the shield contains a wild Buffalo head is regarded as a symbol of the people. The right channel on the packaging as tonsai means burgeoning nationalism. In the lower left box contains cotton and rice shaped Bouquet: social justice in the lower right box packed with a gold necklace hundred rectangular switch sphere is the principle of humanity and the human social engagement that has no end. Earth's lower right and upper left box is the lower portion of the left channel, red for right on the right color. A small shield in the middle is black with a gold star shaped packaging refers to faith in God. An introduction to the bottom of the coat at the foot of the serpent, the satin white bar handle khrut contains the national motto written in old English, Indonesia.
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