The purpose of the special issue. Information systems Affairs specialization Seni LP Ang construction is so customers can choose the required House construction agencies to augment or change home remedies as needed, as well as be able to find out the details of the construction between customers and organizations easier. By working through the online system, which resulted in storing and finding information to contractors. The system can import data from employment and conduct employment contract. It is in the care of the administrator who made the special issue is to analyze, design, and development of new systems using Dreamweaver CS6 in the design and construction of the contact between the screen and the user with the system developed. Use the PHP language to communicate between the user and the database and uses MySQL for database management and design.From this time to prepare a special issue The business information system construction Seni LP Ang construction which resulted in establishment of customer information and data retention to employed construction per fill or change home remedies systematically, and facilitates the user to meet specific objectives.
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