William Gilbert was born on May 24 1544 in Colchester, England, and died on 30 November 1603 (probably in London) is a doctor of the Queen's Royal Elizabeth. 1 and James 1 of England is also a research astronomer and science. About electricity and magnetism is important is that the person he is. "electricity" or power that is his first work De Magnete, Magneticisque Corporibus, et de Magno Magnete Tellure (with magnets. Magnetic objects and conditions And the magnetic head of the World), published in 1600, this piece he describes many of his experiments with simulated Globe called "Terry Arellano" (terrella) from the experiments. he He concluded that the Earth It is a magnet, and concluded that this was the reason compasses point north. (Before this, some people believe. Compass points to the North Star Large Magnetic Island or the North Pole. Which attracted the compass) in the book. He also studies the electrostatic By using amber (Amber rubber wood. Yellow Brown In Greek is called an electron (elektron), whereby Gilbert's called the phenomenon they discovered that the "electric force" (voltage) that Gilbert's called the magnet is strong. can not see The natural philosophers, others such as Johannes Kepler's ever convinced that a controlled manner. Of the observed unit "Gilbert's" The Unit. Magnetic force (magnetomotive force) is referred to as magnetic potential, started in honor of William. Gilbert's This
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