Allowed to study the course more than 3 months allowed to work according to กฏหมายได้ week no more than 20 hours receive discounts from health price in students. Such as the theater.ใบเงินเดือนย้อนหลัง 5-6 ใบ
สำเนาใบเสร็จเสียภาษีย้อนหลัง 5-6 ใบ ให้ขอเอกสารที่บ่งบอกการเป็นเกษตรกรกำกับด้วยและหรือใบเสร็จการรับซื้อขายผลผลิต
หากเป็นชาวไร่ชาวสวนCalled Confirmation of Enrollment or COE that documents of the students. All documents must be in English translation (by) all documents requested one 2 series travel (real) photos 2 inches of 2 leaves "(picture has a big face. About 80% of images.Passport), copy of ID card accounts)
.Birth certificate (for children under the age of 18 years))
a copy of certificate of change of name, changed her name. (if there is a change or edit))
copy of marriage or divorce papers. (if there is a change or edit))
(transcript grade) English
.A train, bus, ferry to pay the regular price standing visa, can ทำได้ทันที. We get acknowledgement from the educational institution that we apply to it, called OFFER LETTER and important.Letter of recommendation (English) since graduation, there are only a few that can anywhere ever worked or trade registration certificate and, in the case of self-employed. The case is still learning to respect the students.Slip salary back 5-6 leaf
copy receipt tax back 5-6 leaf
Certificate in language learning in Australia (if any)
.If you have a visa Australia before. Copy of visa of Australia to face to. (all functions have an Australian visa)
Cuba Gooding, Jr. And the reason for the study in Australia)
.(the written content that ourselves who, what, when, at present graduate work? Why choose study in Australia. Why did you choose to study this course. Graduate and brought back knowledge do in the future)
.Note also the children under the age of 18 years) must be attached to the documents of the parents. (father and mother) under all documents used in both Thai and English translator):
.Signature ID card copy of marriage certificate or divorce certificate copy of household registration card renames changed his last name. (all the ever changing edit documents of SPONSOR.)2 set ID card copy householdregistration
.Copy of marriage certificate or divorce
copy rename or change of surname. (if there is a change or edit)
letter of recommendation (English) or trade registration book and certification. In the case of self-employed
.Slip salary back 5-6 leaf
copy receipt tax back 5-6 "
if the farmer leaves gardeners. Give me the documents indicate a farmer direct and / or receipt purchase sale yield
.A copy of the passport (copy color) signed as sign passport directed below the right angle. By writing a message according to this Certified
. True Copy
.The real bank (a savings account book) under the top walking backwards 6 accounts for months. The limit that use the show about 6 extremely old (for language learning 6 months) limit of approximately 1 million over the course (สำหรับ 2 years)
10.The archives support finance to learn (content that sponsor who were what? Who apply for visa. And the present sponsor what, where, when, income per month, about long.Sponsor (reason))
note case supporters (SPONSOR) not parents. Must have documents, relational add around them. This document using the link relation)
.A copy of ID card copy of the household registration certificate of change of name, changed her name. (if the change name surname) copy of marriage or divorce
such as her sister is sponsor documents that linked the relationship is documented of the I
.Note. The fees are subject to change, please check at VFS or department of the embassy visa Australia)
* * *. No refund of the embassy visa fees, and whether it can be considered VFS visa or * * *
.To apply for a visa through the office for the visa Australia has no any effect bringing consider visas. Visa requirements remain unchanged. Embassy of Australia's authority in deciding visa approval
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