The dress is different in the use of materials. And form the unique according to race. A variety of people who come to live in the land that this old enough to classify big group, as follows:
oh this 1. "A group of Chinese descent - corona, called minorities this swimming? Ya or Yeon. Chinese group Hong Yan who married with เกี๊ descent indigenous Malay descent. The Ya Ya is a beautiful dress. The blend.The woman wearing a tunic, flowers around his neckThe waist and forearm gracefully, popular to wear sarong batik, the man still dressed like the Chinese style traditional is
Oh 2. "The Muslim communities of this land, Islam and Malay descent, still dressed in tradition. The old woman had a hood. Muslin clothes or a lace long Malay wear batik or resinThe man wearing a collar, wear trousers and a sarong short length called Songket cloth tied around the waist, if the house or casual wear a sarong. Checkered woven with cotton, and wear a hat knitting or sewing cloth velvet
"Oh 3.The Buddhist people folk dress like Thai Central. The woman appreciated to throw away or sarong. Brocade beautiful wearing light-colored shirt แขนสาม parts, male trousers fishermen. Loincloth.A loincloth tied waist or junk mail time out or to the back page.
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