Eggplant, eggplant English: Eggplant and Eggplant scientific name: Solanum melongena L. in the Solanaceae (Solanaceae), and a plant. When talking eggplants many people know that can be used to cook it. But there are many other people who did not know that the benefits of eggplant is it? It is with me? Today we see that the properties of eggplant are good that it has some merits of eggplant. There are many because they are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C, vitamin P, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese minerals. phosphorus, zinc compounds, glycolic alkaloid. Smooth conservative and anti-Il at a terminal, climbing and so on. It also has minerals For the eggplant purple, it has more vitamin P is generally in eggplant purple skin with vitamin P. Bay of Plenty Especially those who suffer from blood clotting. Hypertension Vomiting blood Or scurvy Eggplant should be eaten regularly. Because the symptoms of the disease into remission or cured eggplant. Has the ability to absorb oil. It is expected to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol through the intestines film. The fact itself if it offered a way to make fried eggplant absorbs oil out. Use the Baking
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