Video Gin phongsak phanu not Explain the meaning of the language as the "language refers to a voice and means that humans use to communicate ideas and feelings in order to keep those we speak with do what we want, and instead what we talk about" (not GI-2524 (1981) Phong phanu: 85)
William Richard Brown PANUPONG explain the meaning of the language as the "language refers to speech that is orderly and meaningful. The men used to communicate ideas and feelings in order to keep those we spoke with do what we want. And instead of what we talk about "(William Richard Brown PANUPONG 2524: 85).
Select tantawutho, explains the meaning of the language that "language means the speech with regulation และมีความหมาย. The man used to convey ideas, feelings, and to whom we say do what we want."(select tantawutho 2524:85)