The use of electrical power can be classified in both projects. Is as follows: 1) lighting activity percent power consumption .......................................... all KVA power equals .................................. 2) installing the pump for the water system, use a percent of power consumption, ........................... of .......................... KVA power equal to. 3) installation of pumps for wastewater treatment plant ...................... percent all of the consumption electricity. With the use of electricity, equal to the KVA ...................... 4) to install air conditioning in percent of electricity consumption ....................................... all have equal power KVA .................................. 5) elevator systems within buildings ................................. percent of all consumption of electric power is used, the equivalent KVA ................................. 6) installation of electrical appliances as per cent of electricity consumption .......................................... all KVA power equals ................................... 7) install water pump for pumping water from the basement ........................ percent of all electricity consumption, electricity is used only with KVA ..................
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