Aquaponics หมายถึง การเอาน้ำจากการเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำ/ มาปลูกพืช/ โดยส่วนใหญ่แล้ว สัตว์น้ำคือปลา และ พืชคือผัก /Aquaponics refers to removal of water from a water-plant
Aquaponics refers to removal of water from a water-plant/animal/In most cases, aquaculture, fish and vegetable crops is is./Aquaponics refers to removal of water from a water-plant
Aquaponics means for removing water from aquaculture / plant / crop in most cases. Fish is fish and plants are vegetables / Aquaponics refers to removal of water from a water-plant.
Aquaponics means to get water from the culture of aquatic animals. Come to plant / mostly aquatic animals is fish and plants is a vegetable / Aquaponics refers to removal of water from a water-plant.