England came to court in พระเอกาทศรถ, focus on the trade, but not against Dutchman, such as George White were out amongst Royal Wichita And Samuel white as master City neon
.France in modern martial law. To propagate Christianity of pastor can bring knowledge in medical, education, military, science, star plumbing contractor The observatory at Lopburi, etc. many of
.In the late Ayutthaya period relationship with Western reduced and disrupted. When King Rama V He improved the country western the opening of diplomatic relationsTo prevent interference within. Western culture began to blend until acceptable and played an important role in various fields as follows:
1. Politics took the traditions, values, culture into the country. Because the members of the royal family to study abroad. The reform of political system and the western set Ministry of Ministry of 12
2.The economy, cancel the serfs system stop slave money exchange medium in trading, set up a bank of first is bookclub (Book Club) was 3 bank
.The social system to show respect to crouch end to sit on the chair instead of changing the dress education management system school. Later in the reign of 6 out elementary education act. BC2464 education expanded to university level. The last name and title. You Mrs. young girl, boy!
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