1.3 policies and guidelines for protection against drug abuse Because of the current situation of crimes and the spread of drugs continues to be a problem. In society, cannot be avoided and are likely more severe, especially during social conflict. The political as well as economic slump until there is a complaint from the people and organizations that are involved, the problems accelerated, reduced and entirely. Et, et police As a unit of operation crackdown on drugs has taken the policy of the Government/defense funding plan by square crackdown on drugs, the police station in the affiliation Act. As follows: 1) protection. -Organized police forces both in and outside the narrowing. Monitoring in the area and ordered all police assignments responsible for the village. Communities in the zone. 1. village people out investigate news to support information. -To set checkpoints to intercept point. Set checkpoint in spider silk Highlight the route to transport by providing a link between the province, district, village. Community -Public relations officer suits beg for cooperation and dissemination of news. Clarification of the merchant's parents. Students Students in the area were aware of the drug's penalty. 2) investigations and crackdown -Establishment of a Zero fights to overcome addiction Provincial police (SAB จว ภ. dead.) Each order by a police station. Issue the command delegated officials of drug suppression series Sop 1 set/ภ. of package 1 et hire 34 sets out to investigate the crackdown arrested in the area of responsibility. -Merchant accounting Eater systematically according to guidelines to investigate crackdown -When an arrest Eater, has been asked to contribute to the capture of major traders and drug networks linked by a rhetoric of expanded investigation results. -Sat network made everyone a thicket of drugs. 1 per person for each network the network is involved, ranging from 5 or more people. -Destruction of the network by means of seizure by 2534 (1991) matkan Act. 2. split task work/project plan To solve the problem of drugs in the overview. 1) et was meeting to consider draft strategic action plan Earth overcome drugs et as he sat up, all but rang a policy based on the master plan 7 corpse sat. This is important in the resolution of the meeting, each working group to conduct an action plan based on the responsible plan. In the following ways: The protection consists of a scheme of social power and power generation 1 community overcome drugs and 3 initiatives to build immunity and drug prevention. Responsible authority is the Government making et. The crackdown includes plans that are 4 drug suppression and law enforcement initiatives and international cooperation 5 plan 6 to suppress drugs. Responsible authority is the police et. The treatment is planned at 2 to solve drug/drug users. Responsible authority is the Office of public health et. The management plan integrated management 7 Responsible authority is the Office of the province of ROI et. - 3 - 2) et has been allocated a budget arrangement performed by Office of lb lb sat in 1 quarter (October to December 2554 (2011)) total amount of 1884300 baht. 3) Working Group has prepared an integrated work plan/project phaen from operating units, all units in the province. Now in progress project. 4) informing all units in the province of ROI et, cooperation in support of national action agenda-driven "Earth beat drugs" and importance to the delegation representatives attended by high level representatives, delegated or empowered to decide to share consultation and resolve the problem of drugs continue to effectively. 5) surveillance working group appoint a drug problem et to collect information, analyze/synthesize information. Drugs Governors report et/observe the dead sat up, To consider ways to prevent and solve the problem of drugs in the area, meeting twice a month. *จุดอ่อนในการดำเนินงาน คือ จังหวัดมีพื้นที่ดำเนินงานกว้างขวาง จำนวน 20 อำเภอ ดังนั้น การประสาน การดำเนินงานในเรื่องเร่งด่วนอาจเกิดความติดขัด ล่าช้า ยังไม่ทันต่อสถานการณ์เท่าที่ควร อาทิเช่น การประสานงาน เพื่อขอรับข้อมูล การประชุมในกรณีเร่งด่วน ระยะเวลาในการเดินทางเพื่อติดต่อประสานงาน เป็นต้น อย่างไรก็ตาม ศพส.จ.รอ. ได้พยายามสรรหาวิธีการบริหารจุดอ่อนดังกล่าวให้หมดไป โดยการใช้เทคโนโลยีที่ทันสมัยเพื่อช่วยการติดต่อประสานงาน การพัฒนาทักษะบุคลากรด้านงานเอกสาร/งานสำนักงาน และการสร้างเครือข่าย/การสร้างความสัมพันธ์ส่วนตัวที่ดีระหว่างบุคลากรระดับจังหวัด อำเภอ และหน่วยงานภาคี เพื่อการติดต่อประสานงานอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ 3. an analysis of the risk areas with drug problems. 3.1 an area spreading and surveillance 1) methamphetamine is spreading (major retail drug dealers) in the area of mueang ROI et, Nong phok chatun Marie senphumi Phon thong Bangkok phakton thawat buri agriculture major and changhan, respectively. 2) cannabis is spreading (drug retail sales) in the area of mueang ROI et airport and major phakton chatun, respectively. 3) volatile (synthetic organic adhesive) Spread area and should also be aware of mueang ROI et. 3.2 number of stressing district area 4 consists of a district, amphur Muang, Nong phok and Phon thong et suvarnabhumi. The operation in the area, stressing He sat up, and, stressing both the 4 municipalities have joined the project, workshop driven operations to prevent and solve the drug problem. In the area, stressing To date, 15-25 54 December 16 at the Charoen Thani Khon Kaen, mueang Khon Kaen to integrating work and learning exchange driven by strategic energy land.
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