The number 666 is Satan, or a prophecy that the debate does not end in the Bible, revelation, which is the last chapter of the Bible New Testament. The Bible Revelation about the end of the world (Armageddon), which caused war between good and evil in the end good or God will get the victory. This is in the Bible that Satan is the anti Christ. Chapter 13 of the Bible Revelation 666 number explicitly mentioned. By Riccardo to beast or Satan that have these disciples dirty and features of it. With one hand, whether on the right, and his forehead is marked to indicate that it is Satan's number, 666 7. Long count for hundreds of years, and then those investors tried to interpret the language of Theology and a complex symbol that is full of these prophecies, and continues to be an issue to debate the true meaning of this number. Students study theology at the end of the world due to the "beast" interpretation is a creature that is controlled by the anti-Christ or against Christ himself. While some scholars believe the number 666 in the biblical revelation refers to the person in history, such as Dr. Denboet Hinloe who believe that this is the code number of the hotel, including the Emperor, Emperor of the Romans, which other elements are supported by historical events, since these suppression and murder of Constantine all Jews and Christians in early hard. At the time that this group has 2 crash survival with a number and a code to avoid the persecution under the rule of Emperor Roman. There is also a question that why is the number 666, but there are no clear-cut answers, some believe that number 6 is the number of man, because the Bible tells how God created man for the 6 while San Tan pool that is identified with a human-centred (as opposed to the idea that God is the Center). The number of Satan should be related to a number of humans and is the source of the number 666, however, such a description is just one of the theories that have no end of debate about this number only. But certainly not the least scary, are Christians to fear with this number. The number 13, it's no wonder that foreign, try to avoid using these blue number. For example, when Intel Pentium laphlit CPU Model 3-speed shift เฮิร์ 666 mail service out in 1999, it was decided to release the name "Pentium III 667" instead.
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