Ranong tourist attractions information.Natural attractions: Ranong province.Laem son National ParkEach district's warm, RanongLaem son National Park has been declared a national park. August 19, 1983, when all space 196875 sea area since the farm consists of Tambon ratkrut, Amphoe mueang, down to the South through the Central Tambon Muang Beach Tambon kapoe. T. Naka district kapoe sub-district, some turn to Ranong at all to Tambon khura district hotel in Phang Nga province, and covers the various islands in the Andaman Sea, is the island of the bat. The Islands are. For which the Park is located at Hat bang Ben. Moo 4, Tambon Muang Central Distance from Ranong to follow highway 4 (Ranong-Phang Nga) 45 km distance from Amphoe kapoe 657 km 6 km area, it is right, is about 10 km to lateritic.The Park has two rainy climate that it is raining chukrawang from May-November, and during the summer months of December-April. The Park has attractions of interest include:The long sandy beach is Hat bang Ben, and vast. There is a sand pine forest nature. On the beach to see the island excels in the sea is beautiful and the location of the Park.Laem son Lake next to bang Ben 4 km white sand beach and is ideal for a variety of birds to set up camp bird watching.History of beach or Rocky Beach rice It is located among the people from the grip of 2 Tambon Muang Ranong city along Highway No. 4 (Ranong-Phang Nga) about 90 kilometers, or approximately 30 kilometres from Amphoe kapoe arrived at 702, right along the road again Rao lateritic 3 km to the Beach Park area of the dissolved Thai. His hat is beach. With a son in the same shady Hat bang Ben.Bat island is an island with white-sand beach on the island's North is a beautiful Rocky Beach. There is a stone sphere over the full-rounded beach. From Hat bang Ben, boat trip to the Islands takes about 40 minutes to bat.Ko Kam Tok or the Bay Islands there are curved, his Buffalo almost as round as the location of the National Park, which is a unit of the escort unit, which oversees and facilitates visitors. Bat-boat trip to the island from the island are about 20 minutes west.Ko Kam Yai is a beautiful island. There is almost an island, white sandy beach is Hat bang Ben, by boat approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.The Islands are located near a large handful of da is just one aspect of sand comprise many satellite islands.Laem son Lake National Park contains the House and restaurant for travelers. Further information is available at the national park section. Department of National Park, wildlife and plant conservation, Tel. 0 2561 (2018) 4292-3. 724-725, or head towards the National Park Cape pine, mango, Middle District, Tambon bang Ben kapoe Ranong province. Hot spring-Park love ease WarinMueang Ranong province.Hot spring-Park love the ease from the Warin municipal Ranong along Highway No. 4005, away from City Hall to the East. Approximately 2 km in 2433 (1890) King Rama v (King Rama v) granted the Thai city of Ranong has the street name to go to a hot spring, "chon soaring road." Hot spring, which occurs naturally, there are 3 ponds, this is a pond Daddy. Wells River and wells. The three ball ponds with high temperature of about 65 degrees Celsius. Can be used to drink and bathe. Benefits in terms of body therapies health It is also considered to be one of pure water, so as to go through the ceremony of Coronation thatha output. Water as a sacred Buddha charm in the age of maturity 5 celebration ceremony of the King. In addition, the nearby hot spring Park. "Love the ease resolution." There is a Hall and bathroom with hot water. Water fall with prices yonbanMueang Ranong province.The water falls was a waterfall yonban urine incontinence lizard hotels. It is located some Moo 1, lying along the Highway No. 4 at 597 to Chumphon province to see the waterfall is approximately 20 meters high, the right hand is suitable for leisure travelers visit the area parking, restaurants, souvenir shop. 11 diamonds.Mueang Ranong province.น้ำตกโตนเพชร ตั้งอยู่หมู่ที่ 4 ตำบลราชกรูด ห่างจากเขตเทศบาลเมืองระนอง 29 กิโลเมตร (ระนอง-พังงา) กิโลเมตรที่ 641 เลี้ยวซ้ายไปตามถนนลูกรังที่มีป้ายบอกทางเข้าค่ายลูกเสือระนอง 2 กิโลเมตร จากนั้นเดินเท้าเข้าไปประมาณ 1.5 กิโลเมตร ก็จะถึงบริเวณน้ำตกโตนเพชร ซึ่งเป็นน้ำตกขนาดใหญ่ มีทั้งหมด 11 ชั้น แต่ละชั้นสายน้ำมีลักษณะลดหลั่นลงมาผ่านแนวชะง่อนหินดูสวยงาม และมีน้ำไหลตลอดทั้งปี โดยต้นน้ำเกิดจากเทือกเขาพ่อตาโชงโดง ซึ่งเป็นภูเขาที่สูงที่สุดในจังหวัดระนอง ส่วนสภาพป่าข้างเคียงเป็นป่าดิบชื้น สำหรับนักท่องเที่ยวที่สนใจจะไปชมน้ำตกโตนเพชร สามารถติดต่อชาวบ้านที่อยู่ใกล้น้ำตกให้เป็นผู้นำทางไปชมน้ำตกได้ Hat Chan Professional CorporationEach district's warm, RanongChan is a professional Beach Municipal Ranong along Highway No. 4004 (Ranong-Pak Nam) 9 km distance, or the distance from the tomb of Prince 8 km before the Beach City of Ranong to think a professional 200 metres is the highest hill. Views of the community and the two island or water mouth of Ranong's banks Island, Victoria point, Myanmar, as well as other small island located on the KRA buri and Pak Nam, where tourists can watch the sunset. Chan is a professional Beach Jetty for a boat tour which tours to the islands of the Andaman Sea and lush in the rapids. Bald Mountain grass or he or his ghost.Mueang Ranong province.Bald Mountain grass or he or his ghost. Is located in Moo 1, nga – from municipal along Highway No. 4 (Ranong-Phang Nga) is approximately 13 kilometres, he or his ghost is bald mountain with no larger wood. In the rainy season there is green grass up covered mountain stretch from North to South, it's sometimes called mountain grass plains with mountain walking. For visitors to climb up to the Ridge top views of the surrounding. Kho KRA KRA or bath.Amphoe KRA buri of Ranong province.Kho KRA KRA or bath house in lamu at 545 transcribed LY t. of Highway No. 4 km away from the municipal compound 66 is the narrow end of the Malay Peninsula.
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