The bundling or fragmentation, based on the concept of our harbour is believed to be from the outside (External Economies of scale), that is, the use of production equipment together. Joint labour and management to share materials If the factories found that external savings, you can save more than the cost of freight, the integration of industrial. Conclude that determining the source of industrial area will have to take into consideration the cost of freight, the value of raw materials and labor, fuel. Based on the concept of wage labour at our helpline are cheap compared to the cost of the other side. The induction option came in industries that have replaced labor will choose in the freight cost of raw materials or fuels is based on wage labor index compared to the total cost that is used in the production of 1 if there is a high index is likely to move to payroll, labor is cheaper.Theory and concept of the selection of the location for the maximum profit from the implied demand.The theory that industrial area of lech (Losch, 1954 refers to in Thailand, 2543 (2000), suree loyal 12) offers a work called "Die Ordnung Der Wirtschaft" Raumliche later in 1954, have been translated into English as "The Economies of Location" has been widespread attention. The theory of เลิส์ช Describe the relationship of the industrial area with relationships in the market. Sommutithan of theory in order to reduce the complexity in the real world เลิส์ช have detailed assumptions. Is as follows: 1) area looks smooth and always the same. 2.) the same freight rate every direction 3.) population is scattered in General and agricultural knowledge, tastes, and economic opportunity. 4.) raw materials, can be found in General. 5) production costs there are very little different in each point. 6.) resettlement patterns of population as a honeycomb, balance.The conditions are set up as follows: in each area must have the possibility to seek the maximum profit and maximum benefits to producers and consumers. The unit must have a lot to be distributed throughout the area. The production unit has been designed for the tournament which will gain maximum market areas (both sides.Manufacturing and production) will need to be small to make the number of operators can compete. The area extent of the market area. Consumer goods production unit can be of 2.
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