Introduce myself
I'm miss chatt ฎา Nai's nickname does gym
born Sunday 26 November of 2538 age 19 years
in the year of the pig. Scorpio, nationality, ethnic Thai Buddhism
ID card number: marital status: single1330300201732
ภมิ District: number 36 among elderly 4 predictable kanthararom District, Sisaket province. Zip code 33130
have siblings 2 people:? The man 1 people, women 1 person. I was the son of the son of man 1
1 name is Miss chatt ฎา Nai principally sak
.The son of Man 2 name holy boy wins, physical power
father named Mr. Cha Chai, physical power career. Agriculture confirming
mothers name of her organization's gym rat Career, farmer
.Workplace at 36 among elderly 4 predictable kanthararom District, Sisaket province. Zip code 33130
present address: number 36 among 4 district each guess. Kanthararom District of Sisaket Province, postal code 33130
. History educationI graduated from elementary school house, each district khwao predictable kanthararom District of Sisaket. Zip code 33130
.Graduate School of science, school district? Guess! Guess kanthararom District of Sisaket province 33130
.The present study at the University of Bangkok University, Faculty of Health Sciences in public health, the second year undergraduate phone number: 092-8748136
: email.
diary food like: papaya, Sookie MK
favorite color: red, pink
.Pet dog like:
subjects like physics
place like: Sea cascade mall cinema
talent:? Sport ball
motto: life is not the end of the must struggle.
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