Students who join math activities using high level questions. There are mathematical thinking by divided into three groups as follows: group students whose problems can be analyzed. Use of the knowledge and data to analyze the situation. Use the agent thought to understand the problem. The use of agents thought to show the problem solving. Can choose to use problem-solving strategies. Can a summary answer is correct and corresponds to the problem. Be able to explain the reason of choosing a strategy, how to solve the problem. Be able to describe the accuracy and reasonableness of answers and can use the idea of displaying the summary of answers to problems. A group of students with moderate learning problems can be analyzed. Use of the knowledge and data to analyze the situation. Use the agent thought to understand the problem. The use of agents thought to show the solution. Choosing a strategy to solve the problem partially. A summary of the answers correct, but incomplete. Be able to explain the reason of choosing a strategy, how to solve the problem partially. Be able to describe the accuracy and reasonableness of answers to some. Be able to use the idea of displaying the summary of answers to some problems and the use of agents thought to show a summary of answers to the problem, and a group of students who have weak results to analyze the problem. Use of the knowledge and data to analyze the situation. Use the agent thought to understand the problem. Use the agent to show ideas, solving problems, but cannot choose a strategy to solve the problem. To summarize, the answers are not consistent with the problem. Unable to explain the reason of choosing a strategy, how to solve the problem. Can't describe the accuracy and reasonableness of the answer and not be able to use the idea to display a summary of the answers to the problem.
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