My mother is someone who full with love. She always gives her pure love to her family. She loves us more than, herself. She raises me and my sister with her love. She is also fair to gives, her love for instance she never differentiates between. Me and my sister.
Shh Shh Shh The woman who has married with my father is also the best teacher for me in my life especially. To sociable for other people.One thing of her lesson that I always remember is be useful for other people because we are not an, individual person we. Need somebody else to help and we have to help each other. I had never got this lesson in, my school just from my mom.
Me. And My Idol
Shh Shh Shh The strong woman who always gives me many motivations is my Mom. She is the best motivator for me.She always gives some motivations to me to face my life for instance, when I dropped she gives, me a good motivation and. I can stand again suddenly.
Shh Shh Shh My lovely mom is also a good career woman. She works at Department of Education and. Culture in West Sumatera region. She is a treasurer. She can manage everything about her duty at office According, to me.My mother is very responsibilities with her job. I have never heard that her boss getting angry to her.
Shh Shh Shh Someone. Who has hobbies cooking and reading in my family is my mom. She likes cooking so much. She always makes something special. In our dining room. It is really delicious. My mother can make Indonesian cuisine Arabian cuisine, and some of Chinese cuisine.She is the best chef over the world. Further more my mom, loves reading a lot of books such as religion and healthy, book. She also likes to collect some novels and recipes. It is an interesting hobby.
Shh Shh Shh My mother is my best Idol for, me. She is not only as a good mother but also a good teacher for me. I love her so much. She is the most perfect person in our. House.I just can not imagine what it would be like without her.
Writing 1 Activity 2. ").").,.). ").,.).").,.). ").",,, . ").").,.). ").,.).").,.).). Giya.). Erina
My Idol. ").").,.). ").,.).,.."). ").,.).").,.). ").,.).").,.). ".).? . ").").,.). ").,.).). 18264 / 2010
Process 5."). ").,.).".).). ").,.).").,.)..). ").,.).").,.). ").,.).").,.).,.). . ").). NK.). 2
Dosen: Leni, MarlinaS.S
Gusneldi Andyra Putra
24 Mei 2011 20.01
I am interested with your Essay...
You can explain a lot about. Your idol...
However I can, find some mistake...
Like: Solok on, September, 20th 1961. YOu shouldn "t give a comma after. Write down a date of birthday and alos don "t write down comma before you are going to Date of birthday. YOu should remove. It...
In the, other handSmall Family is the same with Nuclear Family isn ", t it?? Its better for you to use Nuclear Family.
I think, thats all. Keep Writing _
Siska Febrina.)
25 Mei 2011 04.12 giya..
, your essay is good,...
but I have a opinion,...
in paragraph 2 I. Think you should add "my mother is..."
keep spirit,...
don 't forget to comment my blog!
MiLLa MuLtin 25 Mei 2011 hahahah 06.22
.You will make your mom to be an idol too in Nk 2,,
but, hah, I like it,,
so far I don 't fine a mistakes,,
but keep pay. Attention about diction and grammar!
that 's from me,,
):) Ahmad Zakky
25 Mei 2011 07.56
that is good essay GIA!
keep. Writing!: D
Wira the Kanadian 25 Mei 2011 07.59
Many things that we can 't got from, the school but our mother taught. Us about it...
Nice, essay Giya...
.You remind us how important our mom is...
Adnan Sii Chucky 25 Mei 2011 08.01
it is a good essay...
I am interesting with. Your essay...
your grammar is good...
keep writing...
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