The Royal Palace and fortress, which is situated on the River Thames of London in England is a former palace built by Lord William I of England. In 1078, here known as the place where the most fierce one of ghost world. The tower used to be the fortress held prisoner with the high points of yodsak for death and torture prisoners. Legendary spirit that comes to schools at the Tower of London is most often the spirit of his wife Mrs. Ann Bolin 2 God that Henry the eighth, which is the base outside of the death God's will now put Henry said that she. Buddha head up Chuo Hangman She was still forgot and lips to twitch, The people who go to see the prisoner believe that she he curse. Make some time, many people tend to see her body, seeing a ghost appears the head missing. Ever have a woman guard เห็ย head cover for a walk along the terrace is close to death, but the head in hand Tote style not to hear the drag scream in the prisoner's ankle chains chain laeokrit until today, it is still strange to see all night event.- See more at:
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