I love to translate the cause of flood is very heavy this time. Not by nature and pure. But due to human hands significantly. The natural conditions in Thailand. Central since the Ayutthaya to Bangkok. Never trouble flood here all the time.Years time and flood are long. But later that more frequent and severe damage to grow as human hands. Is mainly caused by the economic development of capitalism industry.To think about environment and urban planning good
.The deforestation, both for timber sales, to use and to reclaim land to trade and export. The dam for electricity and for farming trade, making the Road factory buildings, resorts, etc. too.The production consumption generated pollution, global warming, climate change, it's raining. Switch to drought
.When it rains a lot, but the forest is low. The rain running down from his high and fast. Because there is no forests help to absorb water. The mud collapsed apparently, drainage is problematic because there is no urban planning that intelligent, rather than an adequate ifThe industrial estate houses in the way ไหลน้ำ no canal dredging river of water hyacinth, shallow water flowing into the sea slowly
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