Once upon a time ... A man who tinkers This man planted a small cottage near millionaires. But strange is that he will move cottages, according to the wind direction. Because this man will sniff the food that comes from a wealthy home and eat it to. Millionaire doubts Why men now move to the cottage frequently. So the servants went to investigate. The fact that the seasonal migration of the wind direction. To smell food from their homes. So when the millionaire mind She rushed to tell the poor man, "You are alive because they smell food from our homes. For this reason, you must be a servant to our "poor man refused. Rags to Riches angry man brought a lawsuit against the judge. The judge sentenced the man Rags to Riches servant of the house. But he refuses to rags. The appeal petition to the governor. When you know the story city Was ordered to lead a noble whites, put the stateroom. Then give the money to put it in a white cloth. Then the master said to the rich, "Go get the money, the poor man go" on millionaires received it. And he was a millionaire "When the rich man took the money of the poor. Beggar man saw him pick up the money. But he has received money from the vision or not? "Rich said," do not get money from seeing the Lord, "you say to that city. "This is comparable to the food of the rich. Who is going to smell food But the food is still not lost. Rags to Riches will therefore take the male servants do not, "Then the rich man and the beggar went back to their homes with joy. And to be good neighbors to each other. Living together peacefully ASEAN tale Khmer (Cambodia) This teaches them that "good neighborly kindness to each other."
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