Before we play badminton. We come to introduce how to play better.Well, I say, but what a way to play! If you would like to know ก้ตามไป see each other at all. Before you learn the skills to play badminton. Learners will need to capture the first wooden badminton method. How to pick the right hand is the right hand, catching with the right hand forward a declaration similar to shake hands with someone else who is introduced by four inches, set around a wooden badminton thumb with the index finger to the side of kid-friendly wooden badminton v-shaped by the thumb position on the system of flat wooden badminton. When you know how to catch the wood and then later have to learn chicken feather ball, capture, which is the supporting equipment, badminton player. To catch the ball-cock is extremely important in order to serve the ball.Chicken feather ball, capture, there are 3 popular ways: 1. catch the ball's cork trees, using the thumb and index finger, middle finger to catch the ball. 2. catch the bus at the end of a cock inside of the ball using the thumb and index finger. 3. capture by placing the hand on the ball.
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